- The account holder will need to enter their business information within their account so that we can later make it tax exempt.
- Provide a valid Texas Sales Tax ID (apply here) or any other valid U.S. state sales tax ID.
- E-mail us a completed and signed copy of the Texas Sales and Use Tax Resale Certificate / Exemption Certification. If your Tax ID number is outside of the state of Texas, enter it in the second tax ID field below the one for the Texas field.
Please note the following: We cannot refund sales tax charges for previously placed orders. Also, we cannot accept tax exempt forms from other states since they may not be recognized by the state of Texas.
Order HD Chromaluxe® Metal Prints
Print your artwork or photography as custom-size metal prints. Using the dye-sublimation process, your image is fused to the surface of rigid aluminum panels. These provide a modern look when decorating your home or office. Choose from multiple metal surface options. Order it framed, with a float wall mounting or even with a tabletop easel back.