FinerWorks Gallery is Back

A while back we launched a new site called Yakmonkey which was supposed to have taken over the role of gallery services which previously had been available at FinerWorks. It was meant to be an integrated but separate solution for artists and photographers wishing to display their work and promote themselves online. One problem we had faced with having a FinerWorks gallery is it caused some confusion  on the part of artists and photographers as to what was's purpose. Was it a gallery site or was it a printing service. To our surprise many people saw us as a gallery service first and a printing company second. Since is a printing service first we had two options to review: one was to minimize the effort in promoting the gallery service while still promoting the gallery. The other was to make an independent gallery service site affiliated with FinerWorks. We had what I thought would be some new concepts and plans which I had not really seen with other gallery sites but in order for it to work we needed the participation from artists and photographers before we could fully implement them. Sadly never quite gained the momentum we for which we hoped so the backing we needed never came to fruition. Many of those, even who supported the idea of Yakmonkey simply thought we should just go back to having a gallery at FinerWorks like we did in the past but make it seem more of a secondary service to the artists and photographers coming to FinerWorks.

After some careful consideration and discussion we have decided to go back to implementing a gallery at FinerWorks. We transferred the Yakmonkey accounts to FinerWorks and created search engine friendly redirects to those Yakmonkey pages so as to not disrupt any links artists and photographers have on their personal websites,  Facebook posts, and so on.  Artists and photographers with Yakmonkey accounts will not need to make any changes or even do anything different on their part.

The new FinerWorks gallery is slowly but surely starting to gain some momentum and we think with careful observation, development and promotion efforts we will be able to make it a success as a secondary but valuable service which compliments FinerWorks printing services. Over time we will try to implement some of the ideas I had for the Yakmonkey gallery. We will also keep you posted on major updates and new features being added as they come out of the gate.

Order HD Face Mounted Acrylic Prints

Printed on high quality photo paper and face mounted to 1/4″ acrylic with polished edges. Choose between satin luster or metallic photo paper. Included is easy to install hanging hardware in the form of a French cleat.

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