Missing Prints in Cart and Shipping Address Fix

This morning we posted some important updates to FinerWorks which should correct a few problems some people on MACs were experiencing when ordering, most notably when using Safari or Chrome on a MAC. Rather than get into all the technical aspects what was happening is people were adding prints to their order but then being redirected back to the initial “setup “  page. This was not happening for everyone all the time and we had thought be had fixed it but it turned out to be more of a bandaid.  The problem for us was it did not happen to all MAC users but just a small percentage and inconsistently. Finally the problem started to show it’s ugly head for us so we were able to quickly pinpoint the root cause and put a stop to it.

The other issue which I think drop ship users who pay by PayPal will appreciate is, we no longer you’re the data in your PayPal account’s as the shipping information for your order. This caused a lot of headaches since PayPal would automatically change out any previously filled shipping information. I don’t know why PayPal thinks it is a good idea but fortunately we located a way to stop it fairly easily. Just be aware that PayPal will display the default shipping information you have entered in your PayPal account however that will not be the same information we use. This should eliminate the whole PayPal and drop shipping dilemma.

One of the largest ranges of paper selections, while using the highest level of archival print technology allowing superior detail and color, you can create custom giclee prints of your artwork and photos.

Giclee Printing at FinerWorks

One of the largest ranges of paper selections, while using the highest level of archival print technology allowing superior detail and color, you can create custom giclee prints of your artwork and photos.

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