If you are an Etsy seller and having FinerWorks fulfill you orders, make sure you are aware of some changes that started up a few days ago on the Etsy platform. Starting August 11, 2021, Etsy implemented a policy that requires its sellers to provide shipment tracking information for any U.S. destination orders that are $10 or more, in order to be able to change the status to “complete” within their Etsy dashboard.
In most cases this will not be a problem for sellers that use FinerWorks. Usually, they are already updating their tracking however it might become a little tedious to do this manually after you receive the shipping notification from FinerWorks.
A more automated approach which can save a lot of time is to use our Etsy Order Fulfillment App to import your orders. More and more Etsy sellers have opted for this approach since it allows one to submit multiple Etsy orders all at once. We even streamlined the shipping update for you. Earlier in the summer we added a feature to make marking an order as complete more automatic by posting tracking to the Etsy order for you.
Be aware of things relating to marking them as complete.
- You will need to use the Etsy app for us to be able to automatically post tracking and mark and order as complete. The reason for this is Etsy gives apps special permission to do this. For orders submitted via our regular shopping cart, you will need to continue to post the tracking and update the order manually since Etsy won’t accept the tracking information and update the order as complete.
- The tracking may just initially show a shipping label has been created. This is not unusual and should not interfere with orders being marked as complete. Carriers like USPS and UPS do not always scan the packages and update tracking at the time of pickup. Movement within their tracking system may not even start to show up for some hours later even though they have the package.
Most Etsy sellers using our services are providing their customers with tracking but if you are a seller who is not doing this, it is relatively easy to do. Tracking will be posted in your FinerWorks order history and accessible via the shipping notification we send by email. If you are processing a lot of orders through FinerWorks, we highly encourage you to use the Etsy import app since it can save a lot of time in the long run.
You can read the full article on the tracking requirements Etsy website here:
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