Loose Canvas Prints

Over time your canvas will become less tight and seem looser on the mounting frame. This is perfectly normal and fortunately since we use a poly-cotton blend the canvas will not become as loose as it would otherwise if we were using an all cotton canvas. Fortunately there is a simply fix.


What Camera is Best for Photographing my Artwork

Buying a camera can almost be as intimidating as purchasing a computer these days. The good news is that you really do not need a bunch of special features to get good results. In fact, visiting a camera store is an excellent way to start. Many of the sales people are familiar with the features which each camera offers. Another thing to consider is that many times you will be stuck with features you do not need, simply because that is how cameras are made.


Inkjet Print or a Lab Print

Here we look at some of the advantages to inkjet technology when it comes to photo prints. Many photographers are starting to move this direction and rightly so. This does not mean lab prints on Kodak papers are going to be phased out but it does imply how inkjet is taking over the photo printing industry.